About Us

What is Beyond Mountains?


According to ancient wisdom...more mountains!  And you can take what you like from that but for me it is a simple reminder:  life is constant.  From summits to valleys and back to summits we push on keeping ourselves right-sized and as in tune with our surroundings as is possible.  Enjoy the climb!  

On the business front we're just looking to challenge folks in the running world, support folks in the health world (particularly sustainable nutrition and fitness), and in the grand scheme of things just offer up a quiet-the-noise and choose-your-own-adventure style that we have found keeps are bodies able, our minds sharp, and our hearts open to what the world has to offer. 

We hope we have something within these pages that attracts you, impacts you, and in the end provides a trajectory forward in whatever your next steps happen to be. 

Enjoy your search Beyond Mounains!